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Multiple Middles, Multiple Heroes

Multiple Middles, Multiple Heroes

Saltsea Chronicles is a story with many middles & many characters - how did DGF structure the storytelling & process so that all can shine?

# Narrative Design

Saltsea Chronicles – Translating Ideas to Reality: The Writers' Room

Saltsea Chronicles – Translating Ideas to Reality: The Writers' Room

Sharna Jackson – Waterstones award-winning children’s author & Deputy Story on SALTSEA CHRONICLES – explains how the Writers' Room worked.

# archive

#OneCoolThing: Roxanne van Dam

#OneCoolThing: Roxanne van Dam

In this week's #onecoolthing, programmer Roxanne van Dam reflects on her favourite moments in storytelling games; when past player actions result in a surprising and satisfying payoff.

Evolution: Mutazione – “The Town”

Evolution: Mutazione – “The Town”

Nils Deneken takes a look at the origins of the design of the Mutazione community. World-building, characterization of place, characters & more!

# Concept Art

#Craft. Narrative Design Sliding Doors - Gardens & Storytelling in MUTAZIONE.

#Craft. Narrative Design Sliding Doors - Gardens & Storytelling in MUTAZIONE.

The 3rd #Craft post by Storyteller & Studio Lead Hannah Nicklin, offering a reflection on a crucial turning point in narrative design of MUTAZIONE.

#Craft: Multiple Middles

#Craft: Multiple Middles

In the #craft series for the new DGF website, Hannah Nicklin explores aspects of the craft of storytelling in games. Today: Multiple Middles in Mutazione.