Sportsfriends goes free on May 29
The following is an announcement from Douglas Wilson, co-owner of Die Gute Fabrik, designer of Johann Sebastian Joust, and Producer of Sportsfriends, the local multiplayer compendium we published in 2014.
Hello Sportsfriends,
This May marks the 10 year anniversary of the initial Sportsfriends release on PS3 and PS4. All of our lives have changed quite a bit over the last decade. Because we're not in a position to support or update Sportsfriends moving forward, we've decided to make a few organizational changes:
1. Starting May 29, Sportsfriends will become a free download, on Steam, PlayStation Network, and on all other platforms on which the game available. We plan to keep it free for the foreseeable future. We want to make sure that Sportsfriends remains available to play in the future for as many people as possible.
2. To ensure long-term stewardship of the project, we're transferring ownership of Sportsfriends from Die Gute Fabrik LLC to Bennett Foddy (the designer of Super Pole Riders).
3. Supporting JS Joust is especially tricky given operating system limitations. Together with Sportsfriends programmer Jonathan Whiting, we will be open sourcing a version of JS Joust for Linux. We've been meaning to do this for years, and so this is a good excuse to finally get it done. Stay tuned for link and details - soon.
Big thank you to everyone who supported the project along the way - our Kickstarter backers, Die Gute Fabrik, Sony, popagenda for all their recent logistical support, friends and family, and all of you who purchased or played the game over these last 10 years. Here's hoping the game will remain playable for many more years.
Long live local multiplayer,
- Doug, Die Gute Fabrik, and The Sportsfriends -