One Cool Thing Podcast: E16 - Des Gayle on The Matrix
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About One Cool Thing
One Cool Thing is a podcast speaking with people in and around videogames about One Cool Thing not from games which is really fascinating them at the moment. One of the founding principles of Die Gute Fabrik is interdisciplinarity - collaborating with people from other art forms to bring fresh ideas to video games. And that’s also what’s at the heart of this podcast series: what not from games is shaping how people think about making games right now?
About This Episode
On episode 16 we meet Des Gayle who chats to Hannah Nicklin about The Matrix.
Des Gayle is a prolific British producer who has over 20 years of experience in the field of games. From working on the launch of the original Xbox at Microsoft, to being the original producer for the Square Enix Collective, and work on the first Life is Strange series. As well as being on BAFTA-winning teams, Des is a deputy chair for the BAFTA games committee, a key member of the POC in Play team, and currently divides his time between being an Exec Producer at Radical Forge, and his indie outfit Altered Gene, as well as living in Thurigen in Germany with his family.
Have a listen below:
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Liner Notes
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YouTube & Instagram will also feature episodes, excerpts and reminders.
One Cool Thing Production Credits
One Cool Thing is hosted by Die Gute Fabrik's Studio Lead Hannah Nicklin and is produced, edited and sound designed by Tom Whalley. Additional production and research by Úna-Minh Kavanagh and our theme music by Nick Ellis who can be found on Bandcamp as tenby.